Beauty Care - What is Sweat?
Most of the time we think of sweat as being good only when we’re exercising. Otherwise, sweating can be a nuisance! However, our bodies need to sweat. Sweat is the body’s natural defense to maintain a proper body temperature.
Beauty Care - What is Sweat?
Sweat normally contains water, and very small amounts of salt, urea, sugar and ammonia. By sweating body cools itself of the heat that may get generated because of outside temperature, physical work, and emotional stress.
Over and Under Sweating
Some of us may suffer from over sweating (hyperhidrosis) or very less or no sweating (anhidrosis). Very low sweating may be life threatening, while over sweating may sometimes be caused by some severe body problems.
Did you know, botox may be used to treat hyperhidrosis?
Types of Sweat
Our body has two types of sweat glands: eccrine sweat glands and apocrine sweat glands. Eccrine glands are distributed all over the body. Apocrine sweat glands are located on the scalp, armpits and the genital area. These glands do not produce much fluid. Sweat is generally odorless. Most of the times, it is the bacterial disintegration of sweat of both the types that produces odor.
How to Manage Sweat
The best way to avoid odor caused of sweat is to keep the skin dry. Good hygiene will not allow bacteria to develop and multiply. Change of clothes after sweating is another method, because clothes carry sweat and can cause odor. If you have excessive sweat or are getting troubled by sweat, please schedule a consultation with Pretty Faces Atlanta.
Sweat is not a big problem for most of us. It is the odor that is the bigger irritant. Keep your body clean at all the times and take basic care and you will find most of the problems disappearing. Deodorants do not reduce sweat but only mask the odor with fragrance. The need is not to mask the odor, but to stop bacterial disintegration of sweat. If sweat is excessive, consult with a medical doctor at Pretty Faces Atlanta and get treated.