Pretty Faces Atlanta offers a revolutionary way to tone, tighten, and reshape your body when diet and exercise doesn’t seem to do the trick. Using the VASER® Lipo system, we can help you achieve the body you’ve always wanted.*
From minor touch-ups to major transformations, VASER® Lipo can help. VASER® Lipo is successful with all body types and body weights. VASER® Lipo provides smooth, predictable results with fast recovery and minimal downtime.*
The Vaser Lipo Difference
Whether you’d like to lose a few pounds in traditional areas-your abdomen, love handles, thighs, bottom, and back–or finely sculpt your waist, knees, arms, neck, or male chest, VASER® Lipo give you the results you want. And unlike traditional liposuction, VASER® Lipo results in less trauma and fast recovery.*
Using a technique called LipoSelection, VASER® Lipo targets specific areas of the body. It uses ultrasonic energy–high frequency sound waves–to produce superior results. The ultrasonic waves break up and separate the fat cells for removal, while leaving vital tissues unharmed. In fact, VASER® Lipo is so precise and gentle that patients typically report dramatic reshaping and fat removal with little to no downtime or bruising.*
With VASER Lipo, you can expect:
Realistic curves and definition, even for hard-to-fix areas*
Easy removal of large quantities of fat*
Precise sculpting of delicate areas of the body*
Minimally invasive procedures that can be delivered in a comfortable clinical setting
Fast recovery times*
Smooth, tight results*
Find out if VASER® Lipo is right for you, and read our Frequently Asked Questions.
While exercise and maintaining a healthy weight are the best ways to improve your appearance, fat transfer surgery is another way to enhance your looks. Body fat is often unevenly distributed due to genetics, and as we age, we begin to lose volume in specific areas like the face and hands. In these cases, fat transfers and fat injections may help enhance your appearance. For over 100 years, fat transfers have been used to fill in facial flaws such as hollow cheeks, sunken eyes, or indented scars. Today, fat transfers, also known as fat grafting, are used to augment many other areas of the body.
Fat injections for your entire body
Fat transfer surgery can be used to enhance many parts of your body. The procedure can be used for the following:
Natural breast augmentation: In this procedure, fat is grafted from different parts of your body and injected into your breast area for augmentation. This is the perfect option for women looking for fuller breasts, while keeping a natural look.
Buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift): During a Brazilian Butt Lift treatment, your fat is grafted and separated and the best fat cells are injected back into your body. The fat injected into your buttocks provides flattering lift, contour, and shape to your backside.
Fillers for the hands and face: To rejuvenate older and aging hands, your fat is grafted and injected into the areas you would like to look fuller. Hand and facial rejuvenation can result in features that look fuller, smoother, and younger.
Male pec augmentation: Looking to improve the appearance of your chest?
The fat grafting procedure
A fat transfer is a simple procedure that can be completed in three steps:
Antiseptic and topical anesthesia are applied to two areas: the location where the fat will be removed (donor site) and the treated area where the fat will be injected.
The fat cells are harvested from the donor site through Vaser® liposuction.
The fat cells are processed, purified, mixed with your own plasma rich platelets, and then injected beneath the skin in the targeted area. Additional wound healing and increased fat survival rates are ensured by using a patient’s own plasma rich platelets (PRP) during the procedure. *
Advantages of fat transfers
A fat transfer, or fat grafting, involves your own fat cells, which means that the procedure is biocompatible and may help reduce the risk of allergic reaction or rejection. Body fat transfers also look and feel more natural than a body implant. In order to do a successful fat transfer injection, you must have an area on your body that has not been previously liposuctioned and you must have enough fat to harvest for the transfer.
A thorough consultation would be required to best determine if you are the right candidate and to chart out the best course and treatment plan to ensure optimal success.
truSculpt® iD Noninvasive Laser Sculpting
Pretty Faces Atlanta is proud to offer truSculpt® iD, a revolutionary non-surgical, body-sculpting treatment that allows you to personalize your ideal body in as little as one 15-minute treatment. truSculpt iD is a safe and effective technology that is clinically proven to permanently eliminate fat cells in stubborn areas around your abdomen and flanks. With truSculpt iD, you can get the body definition you want, even in areas that have been resistant to diet and exercise.
Patients can experience significant fat reduction, decreased appearance of cellulite, and increased collagen production in the dermis leading to a "tightening", “firming", and "uplifting" of affected areas. truSculpt® iD can be used to achieve decreased overall abdominal, pelvic, or thigh circumference and girth as well as “chin tightening”, “upper arm tightening” and “butt lifting (Laser /Non-invasive BBB)”.
HOW IT WORKS? • truSculpt® iD uses innovative Monopolar RF technology to selectively target fat and therapeutically heat it – until fat cells are eliminated by passing through the body naturally. • Average of 24% fat reduction is achieved in just one treatment.
HOW IS TRUSCULPT ID DIFFERENT THAN OTHER BODY SCULPTING PROCEDURES? • This procedure is versatile and effective to treat a wide range of patients who may not be a candidate for other contouring procedures due to treatment location, skin type, fat thickness and presence of skin laxity. • The treatment has minimal discomfort and has been compared to a hot stone massage. • There is no visible downtime after the procedure and normal activity can be resumed immediately. • The treatment time is dependent on the treatment size and how many areas are treated. Treatment time is typically 15 to 30 minutes to treat the abdomen and flanks. • Typically, only 1 treatment is needed. Maximum results are visible after 12 weeks. Additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalized results you desire.
truSculpt® iD is ideal for patients who:
are within 15-30% of ideal body weight (BMI)
desire less fatty tissue: decreased belly "bulge", decreased fatty "thunder" thighs, decreased "flabby" arms, and decreased "double" chin
desire body contouring to "uplift", "tighten", "firm" fatty areas of the face, neck, and body
do not desire traditional tumescent liposuction
In our practice, truSculpt® iD is used in conjunction with VASER® Lipo to further "uplift" and "tone up" treatment areas (post liposuction).
Call Pretty Faces Atlanta today for a detailed consultation so we can best determine whether truSculpt® iD or VASER® Lipo would be more optimal for your body type and complaint areas.
Laser Hair Removal
Excessive unwanted body hair can be treated!
Many pigmented patients worry about Laser Hair Removal. Is it safe? Will it burn my skin? Will it work? Is it permanent?
The answer to all these questions is YES. But let me explain.
We use a (Varia®) 1064 YAG Laser, which is the only FDA approved laser appropriate for Laser Hair Removal and Laser Vein treatments in patients of ALL skin colors; including minority and African American skin tones (lightest to DARKEST skin tones). Laser Hair Removal usually involves at least 8-10 treatments to achieve approximately 80-90% of permanent hair loss.
A 1064 YAG Laser is a LASER, which means, without proper preparation and safety measures, it can burn the skin. Thus we take extra time and precautions to prepare the treatment areas thoroughly so we can protect your skin and prevent any unnecessary harm. Most patients find this a completely painless experience.
When performed properly by well trained and licensed medical providers, Laser Hair Removal will achieve approximately 80-90% permanent hair loss. Imagine a lawn of 1000 blades of grass, and after a thorough "treatment", you are left with a few scattered blades. If desired, patients may return for touch up treatments.
Do you have excessive unwanted hair growth?
Ingrown Hairs of the Face, Neck, Bikini and Body
Pseudofolliculitis, also known as "ingrown hairs" is very common among pigmented patients, especially African American patients. "Hair bumps" whether of the face, neck, chin, groin, buttocks, or other places, can be very painful, tender, and unsightly. "Hair bumps" also often leave the affected areas full of skin "staining spots" or hyperpigmentations, even after the initial "bumps" resolve.
Men suffer from pseudofolliculitis mostly in the beard and nape area.
Women suffer from pseudofolliculitis mostly in the bikini and groin areas associated with shaving or waxing.
Treatment for pseudofolliculitis is often just focused on the inflammatory process itself however unless the underlying issue is addressed, the patient tends to have recurrence, often in the same areas but also in other areas. In some patients, the inflammatory process of their "hair bumps" gets progressively worse, and in severe cases, these lesions can "tunnel" together, under the skin, and can cause massive skin inflammation, scarring and tissue damage. This is a serious medical condition that should be treated and preventive measures should be discussed as well.
Do you suffer from HAIR BUMPS on your face, or beard? Bikini area?
Call us today at 678-650-2009.
Excessive Sweating
Excessive Sweating can be a nuisance. It is a medical condition that can affect both the physical and emotional/psychological well being.
Lucky for us, Excessive Sweating can be treated!
We treat EXCESSIVE SWEATING in a number of ways here at Pretty Faces Atlanta.
BOTOX® has been well studied and documented to be effective in Axillary excessive sweating (armpits) and excessive sweating of other parts of the body (hairline, palms, soles, buttocks etc.)
Recently there have been studies that have found Fractional RF (Radio frequency) Microneedling effective towards treating excessive sweating.
Fractional RF Microneedling for hyperhidrosis can be applied to pretty much any part of the body, but best results for armpits, hairline, palms, soles.
1 treatment, every 9-12 months, is adequate for Botox®. For Fractional RF Microneedling, usually 3 sessions are recommended, with each session requiring about 20-30 minutes of treatment time (per area). Treatments are scheduled at 3-week intervals.
Patients report little to no down time, and with proper anesthesia, both Botox® and Fractional RF Microneedling are virtually pain free.
Vein Treatments
We treat facial veins (telangectasias) with our Picasso V RF®.
Spider veins and small varicose veins of the legs and body can be treated with our 1064 Varia® YAG Laser.
The process is nearly painless and very quick. Most treatments are completed well within a lunch hour.