Get Rid of Pesky Cellulite
Cellulite is a common term used to describe overfilled fat pockets right under your skin. These are fat cells that have become enlarged causing these cells to take up more space between the skin's connective tissues than normal. The fat then expands these spaces resulting in the overlying skin dimpling, often referred to as looking like cottage cheese.
It appears in ninety percent of post-adolescent women and is rarely seen in men. Common areas where cellulite is found, are the thighs, buttocks, and the abdomen. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not related to obesity, since it occurs in overweight, normal, and thin women.
Those cottage cheese pockets are the cause of many esteem issues in women who have to deal with. And, many women avoid wearing short skirts or shorts because of it.
What causes cellulite?
Cellulite is a fat tissue that appears below the skin’s surface. People does not need to be overweight to have cellulite, in fact, skinny people can have some on their buttocks, breasts, thighs, and abdomen. Cellulite is cause by the following:
1. Genetics: People who have close relatives that have cellulite are more prone to it. Studies show that almost 85% of women who have cellulite have relatives (mostly parents) affected by the same problem at least once in their lives.
2. Lack of exercise: People who do not exercise need to tone their muscles to prevent cellulite formation. Following a cardiovascular program or strength training is one way in keeping cellulite away from the body. Walking, jogging, and swimming are also fun activities to avoid cellulite.
3. Poor eating habits: Unhealthy food together with excess consumption of alcohol, caffeine or spicy foods are closely linked to cellulite formation. When a person takes too much of these foods, the body looses its ability to flush the toxins they produce so they are stored in the fatty tissue.
4. Smoking: Few people know that smoking is one of the causes of cellulite formation. It weakens the skin by constricting the capillaries and harms the connective tissue. As a result, the skin develops cellulite.
A surefire way to reduce or eliminate cellulite is through a healthy diet, consistent exercise, and enough water to remove the toxins from the body.
Treatment for Cellulite
There are a lot of cellulite remedies in the market today. One such remedy is a non-invasive skin technology that eliminates up to 24% of the fat in the area in one 15-minute treatment and causes significant skin tightening.
Pretty Faces Atlanta is proud to offer truSculpt® iD, a revolutionary non-surgical, body-sculpting treatment that is clinically proven to permanently eliminate fat cells in stubborn areas. With truSculpt iD, you can get the body definition you want, even in areas that have been resistant to diet and exercise.
Patients can experience significant fat reduction, decreased appearance of cellulite, and increased collagen production in the dermis leading to a "tightening", “firming", and "uplifting" of affected areas. truSculpt® iD can be used to achieve decreased overall abdominal, pelvic, or thigh circumference and girth as well as “chin tightening”, “upper arm tightening” and “butt lifting”.
Cellulite is one of the many cosmetic challenges we address at Pretty Faces Atlanta. If you are fighting cellulite and want to tighten your skin, contact us to day to see if truSculpt® iD is the right treatment for you.